The CHEUSE has dual mission of training
1) youth leaders (e.g. peer health educators, global ambassadors disseminating rap and hip-hop via videos and artistic products, those in the pipeline to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, mathematics , and careers in the health sciences) ;and.
2) adult graduate student leaders (e.g. research scientists, school health educators, science educators, those in pipeline for leadership positions in academia, public health, community health, school health, science education, education in the health sciences, etc…) .
This dual training mission represents vital regional, national, and global capacity building for sustainable development within a global community. In addition, the CHEUSE intends to build an online global community and movement for equity in education, equity in health, and justice for all.
The CHEUSE mission includes a global social-network-based twenty-first civil rights movement propelling social justice and equal access to all opportunities, including quality education, employment, income , housing, and built environments (access to nutritious foods, gardens, parks, space for physical activity, day-care, health-care, transportation , etc…)—as key ingredients for ensuring the human right to health, as well as equity in health, and justice for all.
The “CHEUSE HEALTH + HIP-HOP” motto reflects the longer coda: “A center focusing on Health + Hip-Hop to advance multimedia health and urban science education to foster health equity and academic achievement—as a global pipeline preparing youth and professionals for careers in STEM and the health sciences—within a 21st century movement for justice”