The Center for Health Equity and Urban Science Education (CHEUSE) advances evolution in the field of education in the twenty-first century via:
1) a new approach to learning in order to meet the needs of contemporary youth in the digital age through the integration of evidence-based curricula and multi-media educational technology—for example, the integration of the knowledge content delivered as school health education and urban science education with the creative activity of youth making rap and hip-hop videos, songs, and artistic products—as a new global method for delivering school-health education, science education, community-health education, and education designed to promote health and wellness; and,
2) a new approach to training the next generation of research scientists, school health educators, and science educators who dedicate their careers to advancing their work as educators as evidence-based practice (with evidence broadly defined)—while providing global leadership with regard to the dual inter-related challenges of bringing about equity in education and equity in health for all.