WELCOME! - This is the online home of the Center for Health Equity and Urban Science Education (CHEUSE) officially launched at 10:30 a.m. on March 15, 2013 within the Fifth Annual Health Disparities Conference at Teachers College, Columbia University.
FOLLOWING US ON TWITTER @CHEUSE_TC - Also launched at that time was the online global network of those interested in health equity , school health, urban science education, hip-hop and health issues, and the pipeline preparing the next generations of professionals for careers in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, as well as careers in health care service delivery to foster equity in health for all—especially for the most vulnerable populations.
BUILDING AN ONLINE GLOBAL COMMUNITY AND MOVEMENT FOR EQUITY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL - Join us in taking action as an online global community and movement propelling social justice and equal access to all opportunities, including quality education, employment, income, housing, and built environments—as key ingredients in ensuring equity in health and justice for all!